UPDATE 10/18/21: We no longer include the signature on the new created product/products that are produced for the first time unless it was specifically asked/requested by the artist/customer.
Your unique, handwritten signature will appear on almost every garment you create with VIDA. Getting it uploaded to shopvida.com is quick and simple.
- Sign your name on a blank, unlined piece of white paper using a dark, thick, and black pen. We recommend using a standard Sharpie and producing a signature of at least 3 inches wide, as the image must be at least 600px
- Either scan or take a photo of your signature and upload it to your computer. Please make sure that the background is white or transparent.
- Tightly crop your image around your signature.
- Finally, upload your image to your shopvida profile.
On shirts, your signature will appear on the tag of the garment and on scarves, your signature will appear on the fabric itself.
Please view the examples below to view the differences in labeling.
Signatures will be printed in black on light colored fabrics, and in white on dark colored fabrics and on the sew-in tags.
Artwork and signature by Alicia Londos
Signature placement on a clutch will occur prior to the item going into production.
Please note that if you cannot upload a signature image or it if does not adhere to our specifications, we will print your name using the font “Zapfino.”
Q: When I upload a new signature, will it be used for future orders?
A: Uploading a new signature for items that have been previously produced will NOT overwrite the signature on existing print files. If you have uploaded a NEW signature or need assistance, please send an email to our design team at uploads@shopvida.com.
Below, please find the available tools and resources for creating a beautiful and precise signature:
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